The Rain Horse 雨馬


今回は Ted Hugets作の『The Rain Horse』の冒頭部分を取り上げます。














 As the young man came over the hill the first thin blowing of rain met him. He turned his coat-collar up and stood on top of the shelving rabbit-riddled hedgebank, looking down into the valley.




He had come too far. What had set out as a walk along pleasantly-remembered tarmac lanes had turned dreamily by gate and path and hedge-gap into a cross-ploughland trek, his shoes ruined, the dark mud of the lower fields inching up the trouser legs of his grey suit where they rubbed against each other. And now there was a raw, flapping wetness in the air that would be downpour again at any minute. He shivered, holding himself tense against the cold.







This was the view he had been thinking of. Vaguely, without really directing his walk, he had felt he would get the whole thing from this point. For twelve years, whenever he had recalled this scene, he had imagined it as it looked from here. Now the valley lay sunken in front of him, utterly deserted, shallow, bare fields, black and sodden as the bed of an ancient lake after the weeks of rain.





Nothing happened. Not that he had looked forward to any very transfiguring experience. But he had expected something, some pleasure, some meaningful sensation, he didn’t quite know what.



So he waited, trying to nudge the right feelings alive with the details

– the surprisingly familiar curve of the hedges, the stone gate-pillar and iron gatehook let into it that he had used as a target, the long bank of the rabbit-warren

on which he stood and which had been the first thing he ever noticed about the hill

 when twenty years ago, from the distance of the village, he had said to himself ‘That looks like rabbits’.




Twelve years had changed him. This land no longer recognized him, and he looked back at it coldly, as at a nally visited home-country, known only through the stories of a grandfather; felt nothing but the dullness of feeling nothing. Boredom.

Then, suddenly, I in patience, with a whole exasperated swarm of little anxieties about his shoes and the spitting rain and his new suit and that sky and the two-mile trudge through the mud back to the road.





It would be quicker to go straight forward to the farm a mile away in the valley and behind which the road looped.

But the thought of meeting the farmer – to be embarrassingly remembered or shouted at as a trespasser – deterred him.

He saw the rain pulling up out of the distance, dragging its grey broken columns, smudging the trees and the farms.





A wave of anger went over him: anger against himself for blundering into this mud-trap and anger against the land that made him feel so outcast, so old and stiff and stupid.

He wanted nothing but to get away from it as quickly as possible. But as he turned, something moved in his eye-corner. All his senses startled alert. He stopped.




Over to his right a thin, black horse was running across the ploughland toward the hill, its head down, neck stretched out.

It seemed to be running on its toes like a cat, like a dog up to no good.


From the high point on which he stood the hill dipped slightly and rose to another crested point fringed with the tops of trees, three hundred yards to his right.

 As he watched it, the horse ran up to that crest, showed against the sky – for a moment like a nightmarish leopard – and disappeared over the other side.














